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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2022-12-30 14:12:26 |  访问:1397


达姆施塔特工业大学 (technische universit?t darmstadt) 成立于1877年,是德国著名理工科大学,位于德国科学城达姆施塔特市,地处法兰克福/莱茵-美因大都会地区,以工程学、自然科学及建筑学等闻名,是自德意志联邦共和国诞生以来,德国第一个自主办学的公立大学。

researcher/postdoc (all genders)

darmstadt university of technology

the department of materials- and geosciences at technical university of darmstadt is offering a position within the collaborative research centre (crc) 1548 – flair as

researcher/postdoc (all genders)

in the research groups theory of magnetic materials and in-situ electron microscopy for the z05 inf project sustainable research data management. the position starts as soon as possible and is a fixed-term contract for 4 years.

the crc flair (fermi level engineering applied to oxide electroceramics: www. mawi.tu-darmstadt.de/flair) provides an interdisciplinary environment with 20 cooperative projects from theory, synthesis, and characterisation, which will establish a novel concept for predicting properties of oxide electroceramics in dependence on their composition and processing. the concept will be developed for mixed ionic-electronic conductors for ion exchange membranes, for photo-and electrocatalysts for water splitting, as well as piezo- and dielectrics for transducers and capacitors.

the inf project aims to (1) set up a distributed electronic lab notebook system to enable collection of data and metadata for reproducible workflows; (2) implement a hierarchical data repository for sample tracking, data sharing, and open data publication; (3) establish a coherent research data management system focusing on workflows and dataflows by appropriately defining common (meta-)data structure.

your tasks include identifying the requirements for implementing research data management with respect to the type and amount of data collected by the researchers, as well as determining a suitable form and concept for integrating these data into an electronic data management system. other tasks include handling heterogeneous software, software interfaces and data formats as well as establishing a web interface and implementing an electronic lab book. furthermore, you will train crc staff in the use of the electronic lab book and the data management system and be responsible for the introduction of machine learning and its application on the various data retrieved by the diverse methods within the crc.

you have completed a phd in materials science, chemistry, physics or engineering and possess a strong affinity for digital data management/it as well as knowledge of meta data formats. systematic thinking, an independent, constructive and well-structured way of working as well as an integrative personality with interdisciplinary communication skills are required. in addition, excellent english (written and spoken) and programming skills (python) are expected. you should also have a strong service orientation towards researchers and experiences in interdisciplinary collaborative projects.

you will find detailed information about our research projects on our sfb flair website.

the fulfillment of the duties likewise enables the scientific qualifications of the candidate.

the technische universit?t darmstadt intends to increase the number of female employees and encourages female candidates to apply. in case of equal qualifications applicants with a degree of disability of at least 50 or equal will be given preference. wages and salaries are according to the collective agreements on salary scales, which apply to the technische universit?t darmstadt (tv-tu darmstadt). part-time employment is generally possible.

please send your electronic application including cv, copy of certificates and grades, and a letter of motivation (all in one pdf-file) stating the code no. to ms. jessica bagnoli, jessica.bagnoli@tu-darmstadt.de. for further information you may contact prof. andreas klein (andreas.klein@tu- darmstadt.de).

by submitting your application, you agree that your data may be stored and processed for the purpose of filling the vacancy. you can find our privacy policy on our webpage.

code no. 842

published on

december 21, 2022

application deadline

january 15, 2023


推荐:更多德国达姆施塔特工业大学2022年招聘博士后(材料与地球科学) 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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